Can CoolSculpting Reduce Fat AND Smooth Cellulite?
Cellulite. Even the word makes most people cringe. This frustrating condition affects a large number of women, yet is notoriously difficult to get rid of with diet and exercise alone. Luckily, cosmetic treatments are being developed each year to combat the dreaded “cottage cheese” appearance of cellulite.
Recently, Cosmetic Surgery Times featured an X-Medica presentation covering patient satisfaction with the CoolSmooth™ applicator on the appearance of cellulite—and the results may surprise you!
What is CoolSmooth?
Just like CoolSculpting®, the CoolSmooth system uses cryolipolysis technology to cool fat cells to the point of breakdown, but with a slightly different delivery method. CoolSmooth is a flat applicator that spot treats hard-to-reach, non-pinchable areas like the outer thighs and smaller bulges of fat—making it a great option for slimming down saddlebags and treating bulges on the inner thighs.
But what about the unadvertised side effects? Luckily, there’s a surprising one that is making patients love their results even more!

Bye bye fat AND cellulite!
In trial studies of the CoolSmooth applicator, patients were questioned about their results and level of satisfaction, with an overwhelming number of patients expressing improvements in their skin texture and contour after treatment—including an improvement in the appearance of cellulite.
Because the CoolSmooth applicator is a relatively new option that treats different areas than the traditional CoolSculpting machine, this welcome side effect is only starting to become apparent. As the treatment becomes more common, we will look forward to seeing more data on the benefits of treating the lateral thighs with CoolSmooth.
Our Patients ❤ CoolSmooth!
Since offering CoolSmooth in the Atlanta area, our patients have been exceedingly pleased with results on their thighs, reporting an overall slimmer, smoother, and improved appearance. If you’d like to learn more about CoolSmooth or explore other options for fat reduction or cellulite treatment, contact us today! We’d love to talk to you about your needs!