Before & After
This patient, a female resident of the Atlanta area, elected to undergo a Breast Lift procedure in an effort to achieve a more lifted and rejuvenated appearance. Like many women, she found herself seeking professional advice on addressing sagging or drooping that often comes with age, weight loss, or motherhood. The decision to pursue a Breast Lift in Atlanta was not taken lightly and the Swan Center for Plastic Surgery was selected after diligent research and careful consideration.
Her breast lift, or more clinically termed a lollipop mastopexy, was administered by the skilled team at The Swan Center for Plastic Surgery. This specialized technique took its name from the lollipop-like pattern created during the procedure. The results, as seen in the before and after photo gallery, demonstrated a marked improvement in the youthful appearance and lift of her breasts.
Post-procedure, the patient's satisfaction was apparent. She expressed delight at the marked transformation, stating that the difference wasn't just physical. Emotionally, she felt more self-confident and youthful. The Swan Center for Plastic Surgery's team ensured that the patient's journey from initial consultation through recovery was positive, smooth, and more importantly, led to the desired results.
Provider: The Swan Center for Plastic Surgery
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.